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Kalemegdan, Belgrade

'de si?
The Balkans, the land of honey and blood (Turkish: bal=honey, kan=blood), the land of contrast.
A unique melting pot where Roman meets Celtic and Turkish meets Austrian and Italian. The land where the West meets the East, causing the wish of many world powers to occupy its bit of the land, leaving a unique footprint on the local identity. The land where it’s more likely that you’ll outlive the country you live in.
The land where you’ll experience -22ºF winters and 110ºF summers. A land where everything is done by impulse, including love and politics.
Discover this corner of the planet by learning Serbo-croatian, a pluricentric language (like English, Spanish, French etc.), through one of its two main varieties: Serbian or Croatian. The language is spoken by 19 million people, joining two alphabets (Cyrillic and Latin), three religions (Orthodox, Catholic and Muslim) and four countries (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro).
What are you waiting for?
Rovinj, Croatia

offers six levels of Serbian|Croatian:
serbian|croatian A1
serbian|croatian A2
serbian|croatian B1
serbian|croatian B2

Mostar, Bosnia
serbian|croatian C1
serbian|croatian C2
design your class
Besides general classes, also gives you the chance to learn/practice a particular skill. Are you interested in the Cyrillic alphabet? Or do you just want to understand Goran Bregovic's lyrics?

Sombor, Serbia
Doesn’t matter where you are, we also offer classes via Skype!
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serbian|croatian via

...of the month in serbian|croatian
Dubravka Ugresic [CRO]: Muzej bezuvjetne predaje [eng. The Museum of Unconditional SurrenderEl museo de la rendición incodicional]
Virvel [SRB]

Klip [SRB] 2014

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